You Help Build New Lives!
As we prepare to wrap up 2024, we reflect back and give thanks to all the supporters of Covered Bridge. Your support is monumental to the success of this organization!
As the program continues to evolve and improve, so do our needs as a house. This past year engaged us in MANY improvement projects for the house including:
- Complete rebuild of a caving basement entry
- 2 outcrop roof replacements
- New ridge caps on the main roof
- Sill replacements
- New siding in troubled areas
- Re-painting all shutters and trim
This work took the better part of the entire summer (and most of the fall as well!) We are grateful for the help we recieved from everyone involved to get this long overdue work complete. Praise the Lord!
Our current goal is $72,000 to finish funding our 2024-2025 fiscal year. There are still some weatherization needs to be taken care of as well as two more final roof projects. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!
We value your continued prayers and support for the men at Covered Bridge. May the Lord bless and multiply the seeds of your generosity throughout His kingdom.